Medical Translation & Interpretation Services
We take pride in the fact that our services remove communication barriers between Vietnamese patients and their treating health care provider.
Certainly, nothing is of greater importance to the doctor patient relationship then the ability of the patient to provide an accurate history to the physician and for the physician to explain his findings and the basis therefore to the patient.
We are often called upon to provide our services in a hospital and clinic setting and as such work with both primary treating physicians and consultants to make sure that the Vietnamese patient's health interests are addressed. Often times we are asked to work with patients who are older and lacking in sophistication. Under such circumstances it is of no less importance to work with the health care provider to assist in achieving an accurate differential diagnose of the patients condition leading to a better quality of life for the patient or perhaps a cure.
We believe that Vietnamese patients benefit from our familiarity with cultural differences and speech patterns and take notice of the appreciation and respect afforded to us by members of the central Florida medical community for our efforts on behalf of their Vietnamese patients.